Schoolhouse Farms, Ohio – Gourmet Popcorns, Oils and Grains


SchoolHouse Farms entered the lavender market in the Spring of 2021 by planting Lavandula Angustifolia (English Lavender) “Munstead”, Intermedia “Grosso”, and Intermedia “Provence”. Further plantings occurred in the spring of 2024 with the total lavender population approaching 1,200 acres. The rich aromatic scent infuses the air around the SchoolHouse.

One normally associates lavender with one of two specific traits: fragrance and color. However, you may not know that the lavender flower and its essential oil have a long history in herbal medicine.

The term lavender is derived from the Latin root “lavare” which means “to wash”. The earliest recorded use of lavender dates back to ancient Egypt and the role of lavender oil in the mummification process. At later dates, lavender became a bath addition in Persia, Greece and Rome. These cultures believed that lavender helped purify the mind and body.

The Cleveland Clinic lists many potential benefits of lavender, such as: supports sleep, reduces pain and inflammation – particularly headaches, helps with mood, anxiety and depression, anti-microbial and viral properties, and reduction in cholic symptoms.